Friday, August 29, 2008

New Computer

Yesterday I ordered a dual-boot Macbook with a 2.4ghz 2core processor and 4 gb RAM and DVDrw drive. Now I'll be able to run my Adobe production suite. And go broke. Or at least half broke. Today I landed a senior project with the campus TV station. More details to come.


Unknown said...

Wow. You sold out to mac, huh? That's kinda cool. How much is it going to cost you?

Jason said...

About $1400,maybe a little less, and no, I didn't sell out, 'cause I'm still running Vista (though I got that free with the package-and Leopard for about $70, and a student discount as well.

Unknown said...

YOU SETTLED FOR VISTA!!? What is the world coming to? They wouldn't let you get XP, huh?

Unknown said...

By the way, I finally downloaded Gimp 2.4 and now I have three fun new tools. How does the healing tool work compared to the clone/stamp tool?

Anonymous said...

1400 for a Mac...sheesh. They are expensive. You could get a heck of a PC for 1400 (quad core...8 gigs of RAM).

@john - Very good! Now you need 2.6 ;-) (Don't worry, it's not here yet, I guess. But its coming.) I dunno if Jason told you about heal - but it's not much different. Supposedly smarter.

Unknown said...

oh, okay.

Jason said...

Its a laptop. They cost more.