Sunday, January 18, 2009


I recently started posting on newsvine, which lets you comment on the shallow news articles that MSNBC and others generate, and view everyone else's comments on the issues, all in all much more informative and typically more in-depth than the articles themselves. It's wonderful to see the common person capable of such free expression.

Anyway, I thought I'd transfer my posts to my blog, to get them all together in one place.


Unknown said...

Aha! You have introduced me to another great way to get distracted from what I am supposed to do. This is marvelous!
I like your comments that I have read so far. I am trying to catch up.
Meanwhile, I have come across similar forums on Obama's former website, There are various ways to write notes to Obama and other government leaders, so I have been snagging every opportunity I get- and getting into debates with people who disagree with me. I can send you some links if you are interested.
Right now Obama's horrendous spending bill is in congress, so it would be a good time to weigh in. If the figures I heard last night were correct, this bill is so out of control that within a generation or two taxes will have to be raised to 60-80% just to pay for it. I don't think that included state taxes, either. Furthermore, this spending bill includes no money for the military- that will be another who knows how many billion. All of this is in the name of economic stimulus, but much of the bill has nothing to do with stimulating the economy, and it is set up in such a way that most of the stimulating won't occur until several years from now, at which time we will hopefully be out of the recession anyway. The other major concern, and probably the one that will hit congress right after this mess goes through, is the Freedom of Choice Act that would re-legalize partial birth abortion and overthrow more than 550 state laws meant to protect women and hold abortion clinics and doctors responsible for at least being clean, sterile, and certified. It would also most likely force all doctors and all hospitals to agree to perform abortions, including those who are morally opposed to it.

Jason said...

Don't you know? We're never going to have to pay those taxes. We'll just pretend they don't exist, just like we pretend the rest of our debt doesn't exist. Really, is there any possible way our economy won't collapse before we get our accounts balanced?

I'm not concrete on this, it's just the feeling I get...the government is never going to have the guts to make us pay what we owe it for its stupidity.

And as far as what a collapse actually will look like, what form it will take, I'm not educated enough in that area to know.

And the abortion issue...that was a given, and I've already admitted defeat on the issue. Hold out for more attainable victories, I'd say.
I've given up on this country being good. That's what I don't get about moral conservatives. They spend all sorts of time complaining about how awful the morality in this country is, yet insist on saying that America is a great country. A hunk of land can't be good on it's own, nor can the law of the land, if it cannot stop such depravity. But we already know from the Bible that law will never suffice. We need to drop the whole "America needs to be good because it's supposed to be" thing and shift to the whole "we the people can only be saved by God" thing.