Saturday, February 28, 2009

Response to: "Dobson resigns as chair of Focus on the Family"

With this much love it is clear he quit too soon or realizes there is no hope for some people.
John Ball

Jason Anthony Gieske
I detect intense sarcasm from one who hasn't been brainwashed by the forces that brainwashed the strong majority here...if we must refer to upbringing as such...

Response to: "Vick OK'd for home confinement, official says"

This article is about the football player arrested because of his dogfighting ring.

Jail for life for killing animals is somewhat equal to jail for life for lying, in my just because we don't eat what we kill it's a crime? Cruel, yes, and would I recommend it, no, but legal penalties? Come on, dogs aren't anywhere near being an endangered species...pets are actually overpopulating right now. Hence all the "have your pet spayed or neutered" campaigning...which I would think PETA ought to see as animal torture anyway...
Now, making lots of cash off an operation like that is a bit dirty, yes, but unlike so many people who always cry "there ought to be a law..." about just about everything that isn't perfect with the world according to their point of view, I am more in favor of limiting the power of government so that if it goes corrupt it won't do as much damage.


But really, all the gloating over his downfall going around on this forum is equally inhumane and rather hypocritical as well, don't you think? Surely you don't think the rest of us are perfect...and those of you who are "basically good," know that you'd keep telling yourself that if you ever got involved in anything illegal, because you'd still be able to rationalize your actions.

...And what good does it do anyone for you to take up a judgemental position against a fellow man for the sake of heaping guilt and shame upon his head? A bad person can only get worse with such input. If you used such self-appointed authority, while still acknowledging the severity of whatever crime was commited, to try to improve his position through rehabilitation in the interest of improving humanity, perhaps such self-appointment would be tolerable. I was under the impression that the notion of simply removing bad people from society without trying to make them good first was supposed to be left in the Dark Ages...I guess I was wrong.

...And no, actually dogs don't need to depend on humans. There are plenty of wild dogs out there. And they do a pretty good job of doing what they are designed to do--kill stuff to stay alive. Just like everything else.

The following is an excerpt from the debate, with my highlights the prevailing tone of the debate quite well actually. Scary, isn't it? People are awful.

I have owned several dogs from rabbit dogs to house pets and have had to put several down. I didn't go to a vet but used a 12 gage shot gun a lot cheaper and the dogs never complained.

Stella, Tucson
I wish you the same exact fate. Today.

Well, I certainly wouldn't feel bad for you if your head got blown off with a shotgun. I can only assume that you A) don't give a crap about animals, or B) are a cheap [vulgarity removed]who won't go pay to have an animal humanely put down. Get a life, hilljack!

Jason Anthony Gieske
Watch out, bopdaddytoo, it's getting a lot less safe to admit that sort of thing in this wonderful, free country of ours...everything in the justice system is now decided by whether it offends someone, and someone is sure to be offended by pretty much everything, so we all should be losing all of our freedoms in 3...2...1...
The only thing slowing down the process is the government's inefficiency and failure to communicate effectively with itself.

Friday, February 27, 2009

This is awesome!

Do you know what this is? A lightsaber in Flash! This is going to be awesome...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Response to: "Owner of New York Post apologizes for cartoon"

"People making dumb comparisons like Bush depicted as a monkey are clueless and have no comprehension whatsover of what racism is all about. The comparison between Bush and a monkey was his level of intelligence- not something that he was born with and has no control over." -DSVet

You need to take another look at what you just said there, in relation to the context. This cartoon was clearly discussing the very qualification you just said is legitimate--intelligence. It says nothing about race, and nothing about Obama.The cartoon is mocking the people who wrote the stimulus bill...that's a sizeable group, definitely not a black majority, and all that Obama did with it was sign it. I highly doubt that he read even a tenth of it...the whole thing took a book cart to move it was so huge.


Ok, America, you must choose one of two options. Which will it be? Cultural pride and seperate but equal or melting pot culture where all are just human? The reason there is so much chaos and confusion regarding racism is that the black community identifies themselves as just that--a specific community of humans that supports each other in dealings with dissimilar humans, thereby implementing the first mindset, while white (or whatever color the rest of us are...and most black people aren't black either...) people have been thouroughly indoctrinated to go with the flow in whatever group of people we find ourselves being a part of, thereby being more consistent with the second mindset.
So, to all the people of African origin, know can't have it both ways. You can't be a distinct group while being truly on the same level as everyone else (whatever level that is...) because even if your intent of supporting one another is good, doing so still causes division, and that division is based soley on race. To identify by race is in fact to be racist, for the only way to not be racist would be to ignore race entirely and judge not by color of skin, but by content of character. The U.S. Government would be equally wise to know this. ENOUGH! Enough of the race surveys! Enough of the categorization according to race! Enough of the statistics comparing the livelihoods of various people by RACE! I know they often lame-duck it by saying it's "culture" instead, but that is equally foolish. I thought we were supposed to be done with seperate but equal in the '50s. All I know that it was not my generation's idea to make these distinctions (gen Y). It's all the black establishment and the US government keeping the chaos going. And holidays? Having a black holiday is just asking to have every race wanting thier peice of the pie, which requires that they realize that being a distinct race matters, which creates racism. Racism, as in the belief that race matters when distinguishing between people, not as in "ooohhh she said something mean about me because of my race." But, if no one cares about distinguishing by race, then no one will insult according to race. It's about time everyone figures this out.


Oh, yeah, and the Media needs to shut up about race too.


Wow, MLIL, that's an excellent angle you just brought up. I feel I have become much, much more racist due to what I've learned about race in the public school system--not less, as is their intent. Before public school, black people were just humans with darker skin to me. Now, they are black people. The schools keep rubbing salt into the sores of the past by bringing it up again and again, saying how awful it is to behave that way towards each other...don't they know that humans are always tempted to behave in whatever way is forbidden to them? And that in informing people of a sin previously unknown, they have given new life to an otherwise eradicated illness? Kids will experience certain groups' disdain for each other in their own social interactions. Teachers would be much, much better off working out the basic solutions to this kind of thing using the situations at hand as examples. Building good character in that way would prevent strife between factions later in life rather than emphasize it.


The "doomed to repeat it" line is a popular one...but from what I've seen, bad things repeat themselves in history whether we know about them or not, because they always take a slightly different form which people don't recognize. It is core values that must be changed; more education does NOT automatically solve the world's problems, contrary to VERY popular belief.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Response to "9-year-old pleads guilty in shooting death"

"He is completely rehabilitatable..."

Well, this brings up some interesting thoughts. In reality there is no way to know if that is true or not without trying rehabilitation. His crime seems to be like many crimes...I really don't care if it's adult crimes or kid crimes, by the way, since I prefer to view kids as younger humans and adults as older humans...the mandatory division between kids and adults seems unhealthy in some does the division between generations...but anyway, this was apparently a crime with a reason behind it. As opposed to a crime for the sake of crime. Was it a legitimate reason? Well, in the eyes of the murderer, yes. In the eyes of the law, no, since vigilante justice is only legal in the movies, and for good reason, since a reasonable-to-the-perpetrator excuse can be made for doing literally any crime. Even, "'cause it felt right." In this case, the criminal apparently sought to solve whatever problem he was having by removing it's source... apparently without thinking about the implications of doing so much...or maybe he realized that since he wasn't legally human yet (18, 21), he could get away with it without getting punished severely, and going to juvie seemed like a better option than his current situation anyway. It's interesting, our society's take on murder and the value of human life. We are extreme on both ends simultaniously. On the one hand, we see the ending of a life as a terribly shocking occurance that must be dealt with with the greatest possible degree of care, fear, and media hype. On the other, we kill foreign enemies of the government without remorse, as they do to us, we throw the lives of the accused and convicted in the trash and forget about them forever, and we could care less about how many people are dying in Africa at any given moment. Also our entertainment industry has a mysterious fascination with death. So much death and negligence that I don't even need to mention abortion (oops, I just did.) It seems we only value about the lives of humans we care about (our good, upstanding citizenry, I guess) and could care less about the rest. The plight of our prison occupants leads us back to the original comment that I am responding to. Rehabilitable? Surely this does not apply only to children. Unrehabilitable? Surely this does not apply only to adults. Rehabilitation simply is the process of getting the criminal to view things as the justice system views them...a justice system which tends to change it's mind on things over the years, I might add...since it's judgement is not anchored in anything greater than human reason. So some criminals will see the "error of their ways" and become conformist to society (if we give them a chance, anyway), while others will not. Also I feel that our society doesn't realize the importance of authority and the responsibility and accountability that ought to be attached inseperably to it...that is, regarding the placing of one human's will over another's or others', when all are legally created equal. So basically, to those who work in the justice system, please observe the golden rule above all else, especially to those who obviously don't deserve such treatment, for they are the the hardest to do so with but also the most in need of such treatment, and to those who believe it, keep in mind that you will be held accountable to God for your influence in the lives of others when your time to die comes. That's another interesting twist on the topic of death...everybody dies sooner or later.


Born with a clean slate? Ok, it's time to ignore the old dead philosophers who did more thinking than was good for them and the airheads who don't take any time to think at all and use our own powers of observation to figure out the obvious:
a) humans are born with the "programming" necessary to recieve and interpret stimuli from all available sensory organs.
b) humans have a completely self-centered outlook on life upon entering the world, and therefore are inherently selfish until trained to be otherwise.
c) selfish ambition typically translates neither as "clean slate" nor "basically good."

(ah, it felt good to finally have an excuse to release that tidbit of wisdom into the thought pool)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

Ancient Battlegrounds has good ratings on YoYo games.

Currently rated 4.0/5 with 16 votes, Ancient Battlegrounds is ranked 5th by rating out of all strategy games, and is near the top of page 5 when ranked by rating in all genres. Each page has 20 games on it...and there's now 1533 pages of games on the site. I have yet to accquire the elusive "featured" recognition and have only 63 total plays.

Monday, February 9, 2009

I went bowling.

I went bowling with people from my hall (it was a different floor's activity and they didn't have enough people)

The first game I got a 64.
The second game I got a turkey (3 strikes in a row) and a 146. Oh, and I almost got four strikes in a row but the center pin stayed up :(.

Monday, February 2, 2009

I have released the completed version of Ancient Battlegrounds!

This is the link to Ancient Battlegrounds.

See the screenshots and ad in posts below...

Basic gist of the game: command the Caananites or Cushites and conquer the Mesopotamia war map in a series of battlefront-esque battles.

It's a game created by me using Game Maker 7.0, a free but upgradable program available here.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Response to: "Katrina 'divine retribution' pastor promoted"

"All this article shows me is that no matter what you believe, people think you're intolerant if it's a different point of view from their own."

Very true...and on that tangent if there is ever a law made that disallows "hate speech" a very large percentage of the populace will lose a very large percentage of their freedom of speech. Think about it... a law against intolerance and hate speech in a relativist society...justice would become, even moreso than it is now, nothing but a power grab. The intolerant label is nothing more than a tool to shut up opposing viewpoints.