Saturday, February 28, 2009

Response to: "Vick OK'd for home confinement, official says"

This article is about the football player arrested because of his dogfighting ring.

Jail for life for killing animals is somewhat equal to jail for life for lying, in my just because we don't eat what we kill it's a crime? Cruel, yes, and would I recommend it, no, but legal penalties? Come on, dogs aren't anywhere near being an endangered species...pets are actually overpopulating right now. Hence all the "have your pet spayed or neutered" campaigning...which I would think PETA ought to see as animal torture anyway...
Now, making lots of cash off an operation like that is a bit dirty, yes, but unlike so many people who always cry "there ought to be a law..." about just about everything that isn't perfect with the world according to their point of view, I am more in favor of limiting the power of government so that if it goes corrupt it won't do as much damage.


But really, all the gloating over his downfall going around on this forum is equally inhumane and rather hypocritical as well, don't you think? Surely you don't think the rest of us are perfect...and those of you who are "basically good," know that you'd keep telling yourself that if you ever got involved in anything illegal, because you'd still be able to rationalize your actions.

...And what good does it do anyone for you to take up a judgemental position against a fellow man for the sake of heaping guilt and shame upon his head? A bad person can only get worse with such input. If you used such self-appointed authority, while still acknowledging the severity of whatever crime was commited, to try to improve his position through rehabilitation in the interest of improving humanity, perhaps such self-appointment would be tolerable. I was under the impression that the notion of simply removing bad people from society without trying to make them good first was supposed to be left in the Dark Ages...I guess I was wrong.

...And no, actually dogs don't need to depend on humans. There are plenty of wild dogs out there. And they do a pretty good job of doing what they are designed to do--kill stuff to stay alive. Just like everything else.

The following is an excerpt from the debate, with my highlights the prevailing tone of the debate quite well actually. Scary, isn't it? People are awful.

I have owned several dogs from rabbit dogs to house pets and have had to put several down. I didn't go to a vet but used a 12 gage shot gun a lot cheaper and the dogs never complained.

Stella, Tucson
I wish you the same exact fate. Today.

Well, I certainly wouldn't feel bad for you if your head got blown off with a shotgun. I can only assume that you A) don't give a crap about animals, or B) are a cheap [vulgarity removed]who won't go pay to have an animal humanely put down. Get a life, hilljack!

Jason Anthony Gieske
Watch out, bopdaddytoo, it's getting a lot less safe to admit that sort of thing in this wonderful, free country of ours...everything in the justice system is now decided by whether it offends someone, and someone is sure to be offended by pretty much everything, so we all should be losing all of our freedoms in 3...2...1...
The only thing slowing down the process is the government's inefficiency and failure to communicate effectively with itself.

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