Thursday, November 6, 2008


I'll re-release my map once I am done perfecting it. I finally found out how to change the yavin-clothed units to snow units, and got the sky changed, but I still need to figure out how to get my level boundary working. The instructions say it needs to be called in the mission .lua file, but I don't see where to do that...btw I increased the reinforcement count to 200 and the on-field count to 30.


Jason said...

Ok, I got everything figured out and am going to submit it to filefront, just as soon as I get a few new screenshots.

Unknown said...

It struck me as funny today that you learned a little bit of French and now you are learning a lot of German, and I learned a little bit of German and now I am supposed to become fluent in French. Oh, the irony!

Jason said...

Coincidence: just before I read this the guy next to me said "c'est possible" Funny.